Seed specialists

Endorsed by Cantaloupe logo

Making Seed Work Harder So You Can Work Smarter

Micro-Market with Seed Pro

Seed is a powerful weapon - if you know how to use it.


Get support where it matters.

Struggling to make the most of Seed?

Seed Specialists: Staci and Shawn

We help vending operators learn how to extract data from Seed and turn it into actionable information that they can use to make intelligent business decisions.

Missing important service calls?

Cantaloupe Seed in Micro-Market

Let us catch the service issue -- not your customer. We will alert you to service issues, so you can repair them before your customer even notices there is a problem.

Are you feeling stretched thin?

Seed Pro in Micro-Market

Bob didn’t show up for his route today. Somebody left the freezer door open overnight. An important RFA is due tomorrow. Your broker is knocking at the front door. Oh, and your biggest account just called upset because their yogurt is out of date. Handle what ONLY YOU are qualified to deal with. We'll take care of Seed.

Who is reading and analyzing your reports?

Seed Specialist, Staci Thornton Ryan

Nobody? You're not alone. We know how to extract and analyze crucial data and report to you what matters. We will help you fully utilize Seed's powerful reporting capabilities to make educated decisions, leading to a boost in your bottom line.

Is your inventory a mess?

Seed Specialist, Shawn Evans

We’ll help you become fully functional on Seed Warehouse – utilizing its full power to manage your inventory from A to Z.

Do your drivers need training?

Allow us to train your drivers on-site with a visit from route manager and Seed specialist, Shawn Evans. We’ll show your team how to implement our philosophy of “Clean, Filled, and Working.” Your drivers will learn to maximize their efficiencies as Shawn rides along on the front lines and teaches each driver industry best practices. Plus, you’ll gain direct access to Shawn after he visits for continued support.

Should Seed make life easier?

Seed Specialists

Absolutely! You can finally take “Figure Seed Out” off your to-do list.

How well are you managing your rebate programs?

Seed Specialists for Cantaloupe Software

Hiring us to manage your rebates could potentially pay for our entire service. For companies not fully adhering to rebate programs, you are losing free money!


“Convenience Brigade consulting service is recognized by Cantaloupe as a certified Seed Super User with real life Seed platform experience. Being a Super User, Staci and her team are capable of consulting on all Seed functionality and operational processes. I recommend Convenience Brigade for current Seed users that may want to get more from the platform, as well as operators that need resource assistance implementing the platform for the first time or have experienced turnover in key areas."
-Terry Hovis, VP of Customer Success | Cantaloupe, Inc.

Maximize the Full Potential of Seed





Fresh Food Procedures


Set Up


"Preparedness is the key to success and victory."
- General Douglas MacArthur


You're already paying for the software. Allow us to tackle the technical and time-consuming
tasks so you can focus on daily operations! Your special task force can arrive in two ways:

Special Projects

This flat rate option includes (but is not limited to) the following: Creating POGS, product and asset list clean up, customer price evaluations profit and loss reports, par analysis and adjustments, waste reduction, driver and staff training (onsite or via webinars), and assisting with Seed Market conversion.

Projects & Support

For a customizable monthly fee, we'll manage anything you need to maximize your profits through Seed. We can handle the tasks that take up your time, which could be better spent taking care of your customers.

Our services



Convenience Brigade is proud to build our team with military spouses, allowing them to stay consistently employed (which is often difficult, due to constantly relocating). Jess is one of our mil spouses who supports operators when they need help with large projects, such as conversion to Seed Markets, merchandising and plan-o-gramming.